ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (Economy/MinesPermitsHistoric)

Historical EPM prior to 1961 (10)
Historical EPM 1961 to 1970 (15)
Historical EPM 1971 to 1980 (20)
Historical EPM 1981 to 1990 (25)
Historical EPM 1991 to 2000 (30)
Historical EPM 2001 to 2010 (35)
Historical EPM after 2010 (40)
Historical EPC prior to 1971 (50)
Historical EPC 1971 to 1980 (55)
Historical EPC 1981 to 1990 (60)
Historical EPC 1991 to 2000 (65)
Historical EPC 2001 to 2010 (70)
Historical EPC after 2010 (75)
Historical ATP prior to 1961 (85)
Historical ATP 1961 to 1970 (90)
Historical ATP 1971 to 1980 (95)
Historical ATP 1981 to 1990 (100)
Historical ATP 1991 to 2000 (105)
Historical ATP 2001 to 2010 (110)
Historical ATP after 2010 (115)
Historical EPG (120)
Historical EPQ (125)
Historical MDL extent (135)
Historical MDL access (140)
Historical MC extent (155)
Historical MC access (160)
Historical ML extent (170)
Historical ML surface area (175)
Historical ML access (180)
Historical ML application (190)
Historical ML granted (195)
Historical MFS application (205)
Historical MFS granted (210)
Historical geothermal lease (215)
Historical greenhouse gas lease (220)
Historical petroleum lease (225)
Historical PPL centreline (235)
Historical PFL (240)
Historical advertised area coal (255)
Historical advertised area geothermal (260)
Historical advertised area greenhouse gas (265)
Historical advertised area mineral (270)
Historical advertised area petroleum (275)